AGM Notice Dated 3 Mar 19

Dear Members,
The Annual General Body meeting of the Kahror Pakka Mahasabha (Regd.) Delhi will be held on 3rd March, 2019 (Sunday) at Sharp 9.30 AM at “DDA-KPM Community Hall, Vikram Vihar Extn., Lajpat Nagar-IV New Delhi-110024.

  1. The Meeting will be chaired by the President, KPM
  2. Last AGM’s Minutes 22nd April, 2018 to be read and confirmed
  3. Presentation of Annual Report
  4. To Consider and approve the audited Account of KPM for the year 2017-18 i.e. upto 31st March-2018.
  5. Any other item with the permission of the chair.
  6. Vote of Thanks.
  7. Inauguration of DDA-KPM Community Center, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi (followed by lunch)


  1. As per the Constitution of KPM, quorum of 1/3rd of total membership is required for holding AG. In case the quorum is less than 1/3rd of members, The
    Meeting will be adjourned for thirty minutes, thereafter the house will reassemble for which no quorum shall be required.
  2. Members who desire to ask questions regarding any other matter should submit their question in writing to the general secretary NOT LATER THEN 28th February
    2019( 3 days before AGM) to enable us to give the proper reply.

By order of the Managing Committee
-Tarsem Chaudhary
General Secretary
[Digital Notices and Letters do not require signature.]

Place: New Delhi, Dated: 10th February, 2019
