On 30 December 2017, Kahror Pakka Mahasabha had distributed the blankets to the needy people in the premises of KPM Charitable Hospital, Bhiwani. This program was organized under the guidance of Shri Naresh Juneja. Dr. V.K. Chugh was the Chief of the Guest of this program.
Shri Ashok Sardana (Zonal President of KPM Bhiwani) and Shri Harsh Dudeja (Vice Chairman, KPM Hospital) said that “their organization is giving high-quality medical services to the residents of Bhiwani and adjoining villages. From time to time, their organization organizes the different Health Camps and Blanket Distribution Programs.
From Delhi, Shri Harbans Lal Gureja, Shri Inder Mehtani, and Shri Brijesh Mehtani attended this program as Guests. From Bhiwani, Shri Ganpat Jasuja, Shri Sanjay Dua, Shri Pradeep Mehta, Shri Rajesh Arora, and Shri Kamal Dudeja had attended this program had attended and contributed to this program.